By the sweat of your face will you eat bread...
Genesis 3:19

Gustave Doré, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel

Gustave Doré, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel

In JP's interpretation (video up there), just like Jacob, every human is genuinely in a constant wrestle with the norms and order, we are at times too much accustomed to. Hard work among them. 

I believe that no man's been created for boring, repetitive, routine, hated and disgusted work. I truly enjoy helping others work smarter, by focusing on the creative aspect of their role rather than on the same and same actions, little nothings, they conduct day by day. Even so, some things just need to be done, so we shall make it more fun. Or delegate it to bots and robots. Or just change it all over, because no employee is doomed to hate their work, and no employer has to waste thousands of so cherished human work hours on ungrateful, probably useless efforts.

With my 10+ years experience in governmental bodies, bigger or smaller private companies, own family business and family business of others, Non-Profit sector, health institutions, customer support and just watching and following my network and friends' workplace practices - I am now more than confident I have something to share out of my experience optimizing even the hardest tasks

Sisyphus's eternal attempts to roll a heavy stone uphill over and over - has been one of the toughest depictions of repetitive useless work in the history of human mythology, such a bright archetypal image. I believe a human is able and is to escape that fate in XXI century. 

In Nazi concentration camps and in Soviet Gulags - having prisoners conduct repetitive, totally useless and very hard work was a commonplace practice of enforcing the discipline and spirit of existential pointlessness. One such example described by many of surviving witnesses is the absurd task of grabbing open bags of salt from one end of the camp to the other trying to not spill it, which was literarily impossible. Others recall digging holes in soil just to fill them up again, and then having it repeated over and over and over for hours, days and weeks. 

Ask yourself what kind of people are we, when we enforce ourselves and the members of our communities do things a machine can do? I see a moral obligation here, and this makes me wrestle with the reality which is transforming our minds and souls into machine-like, cold and inanimate void.

Titian, Sisyphus